Lizfera is a multidisciplinary artist who currently works in three main lines: Music, Plastic Arts and Literature. His career began in the field of Plastic Arts, basically painting, performance and video. And somehow his knowledge in visual and audiovisual composition was extrapolated to music and literature.

At the moment we are working on this section and it is not available but very soon we will have it active.
In this section you will find some of his albums, t-shirts and other curiosities, in addition to being able to access his works.
Previous Release
Phoenix Heart
This topic deals with the archetype of Joan of Arc. From the condemnation to fire of beings who show exceptional gifts, especially women who have demonstrated their talent throughout and have paid with their lives for it.
Previous Release
Mother Earth
They flood us with messages about climate change, pollution, plastics… It has affected me since I became aware of reality and I wanted to make a poetic reflection through a music video like this song and an audiovisual production , like this video
Previous Release
Mal Amor
The video for Mal Amor: from the spanish Bad Love, of Lizfera is a mixture of the horror genre of silent movies and mystery. The video tells the story of a ghost who believes he is still among the living and escapes from the confinement of his tomb to try to live the life that was stolen from him.
Previous Release
Day & Night
This video is Lizfera’s debut as a solo artist, it is about the release of her first single: Day and Night. It is a somewhat intimate theme, full of fragrant atmospheres.